Nutrition to Keep Your Bones Healthy After a Cancer Diagnosis

Collage of X ray images of human bones

When you receive a cancer diagnosis, bone health is not likely to be the first thing on your mind! However, keeping your bones healthy becomes increasingly important for health and longevity as we age, but this is often made more challenging by the effects of cancer treatment. Conditions of low bone mineral density (osteoporosis and its precursor, osteopenia) tend not to cause symptoms until a fracture happens.… Read the rest

Why Bitter is Better for your Health

Do you eat seasonally? We have evolved to eat with the seasons, and while autumn brings comfort food for cold days such as squashes and roots, spring brings a certain amount of bitter tastes! In spring, we start to see an increasing availability of fresh greens. There are wild plants that can be foraged, such as wild garlic or even humble dandelion leaves, as well as cultivated crops like spring greens and spinach.… Read the rest

Eating Healthily on a Budget

Golden piggy bank

Healthy food and the cost of living crisis: are the two incompatible? At present, many people are having to look at every aspect of their household budget to try to find cost savings. With the price of commonly purchased foods and drinks having risen by 5.9% in the year to March 20221, you might be looking at your weekly grocery bill and wondering how you can make some savings.… Read the rest

Beat the Bloat Part 3: Food

So far in this series on bloating, we’ve talked about the ways in which how you eat and your lifestyle can affect whether or not you bloat. I deliberately dealt with these before getting to the subject of today’s post which is what foods may be causing you to bloat. This is because some foods which commonly cause bloating in susceptible people are otherwise very nutritious, and it’s never a good idea to remove healthy foods from your diet without good reason, so I do like to consider other factors first.… Read the rest

Stress – What’s Nutrition Got To Do With It?


What do you think of when you hear the word “stress”? I guess that many of us first think of how we might respond to the many demands and pressures of modern life. Our 21st century world often seems full of deadlines, targets, comparisons, pressure to be “on call” all the time and unrealistic expectations to be able to achieve in all areas of life.… Read the rest