Is Soy Safe to Eat After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis?

Soybeans and soy milk

Today’s blog post is especially for all my readers who have had a breast cancer diagnosis. Out of all the frequently asked questions about nutrition and breast cancer, the question of whether or not to eat soy must be the one I get asked the most! Soy is a known phytoestrogen (plant oestrogen), but does that mean that it is safe to eat, or should it be avoided if you wish to reduce your risk of recurrence, particularly if you had a cancer that was hormone receptor positive?… Read the rest

Broccoli sprouts and broccoli sprout juice – superfoods for female hormone balance?

Vegus broccoli sprout juice

As a breast cancer thriver as well as a registered nutritional therapist, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to learn that I have a special interest in working with women with or after breast cancer. From a prevention point of view, I also love to work with women with hormone imbalances to restore balance and reduce cancer risk.… Read the rest